⊙卡丟陰↘唬媚 ( 專屬靈堂 )人氣:686609

Awakes in past eight2009-06-02

 Early morning past eight
 should say but whole evening does not have any to sleep only then
 to perhaps does not have the special
 reason, but I am
 cannot fall asleep, but who did I on
 lose sleep very special
 have not thought of not special trivial matters worry
 me, I was not good rest not not well extremely rest
 perhaps last night own to drink some stuffy bar
 only then glass of alcohols to drown one's sorrows on to do me lose sleep
 ~ have very not been only very sad!
Which reason but also cannotted tell
 to lie down is lying down presently again already is early morning past nine
 I has still been losing sleep, but corona got out of bed
 a very much has pulled out two tobaccos, afterwards ~
 I attempted to lie down again dark a while!
Should be able to lie down noon best Luo
 like this only then to be called normally baa!
