青澀╭咻☆北鼻 ( ㊣↖♀鴨子↘㊣ )人氣:414891

♦Heavy cold ﹌ 2006-12-10

 Recent because the winter weather variety unsteady, many persons catch a cold easily,              is in this damp and cold district in Taiwan particularly,                                          I am also heavy to catch a cold about soon three months,                             is a cough, run at the nose everyday, dizzy, really do not know how to do!

Go for a doctor also can't good, really very what a mess!

What medicine can let me catch a cold to like fast?

Go to work to ride a motorcycle to take charge of the on the road to blow nose to the work everyday, use a lot of toilet papers, feel waste,                                   but the nasal discharge do not wipe again very disgusting, do not know really how is like!
Also blow nose, so the nose is all very red everyday, and very painful!

Really fear and really would not recover from illness until will get sick next year to summer!

Each time want  autumn, winters only all, always my cold season, go for a doctor also can't good, really want to yell "have who can save me?"

Can only cherish, even the old day also doesn't help me!

Heavy cold, really good pain!

Hoping everyone notices own healthy body more!ˋ(′o‵")ˊ

                \(╯-╰)/ 重感冒中ㄉ可憐小鴨子o(一︿一+)o2006.12.10                                                                                     
